Saturday 3 August 2013

Mental health advocate

As a relatively long term sufferer with poor mental health (I was diagnosed with depression in February 2012 and since June of that year have been on a trial and error course of anti depressants; Fluoxetine to Citalopram and now Mirtazapine) I have taken it upon myself to raise as much awareness as I possibly can of the illness, and other mental conditions. On my Twitter account, I often post about my troubles and setbacks regarding my depression, but also the barriers I overcome and the ways in which I do this. I primarily wanted to start blogging about mental health in support of 2 current campaigns: a 'Time to Talk' campaign run by the charity 'Time to Change' and 'the Black Dog Campaign' which is by the charity 'Sane'. Both charities aim to reduce the stigma attached to mental illness and to encourage those suffering. and those aiding the suffering, to come forward and talk about their struggles with mental illness.
My aim here is to help anybody suffering. I know that when I was in my darkest days I was so lucky I had the support of friends, family, teachers and my then boyfriend. I am 100% certain without them I would not be here today and I made a promise to myself that I would never knowingly allow somebody else to suffer the way I did. If anybody reading this feels they may be struggling with mental health or just feels like a chat, Mind charity and the Samaritans are the ones to call. If you're desperate and think you may be in danger of harming yourself or others, call 999 or take yourself to A&E as soon as possible. You are not alone

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